Chest Physiotherapy & Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Personalised chest physiotherapy is a crucial part of managing many chronic respiratory diseases, especially airways diseases like bronchiectasis.  Chest physiotherapists can personalise an airway clearance regimen and are experts in nebulisers and airway clearance devices.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a 6–8 week individualised exercise and education program for people with chronic lung disease (for example COPD, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease) and breathlessness.  The exercise component focuses on increasing physical function and is individualised to ensure patient safety. The education component assists patients to manage their condition by providing knowledge in areas such as breathing techniques, medication use, energy conservation and airway clearance. Research shows that pulmonary rehabilitation reduces symptoms, improves exercise ability and helps people manage their condition more easily at home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Services


Respiratory & Sleep Medicine Specialist Consultation


Bronchoscopy & Endobronchial Ultrasound


Lung Cancer Screening & Lung Nodule Follow-Up


Chest Physiotherapy & Pulmonary Rehabilitation


Diagnostic Sleep Studies


Pulmonary Function Testing


Access to Clinical Trials